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发表于 2020-8-26 14:36 |只看该作者 | 最新帖子 | 查看作者所有帖子 | 发短消息 | 加为好友 | 字体大小: tT
  Ladies and gentlemen:
  Now the cabin crew will make pre-flight safety check. Please fasten your seat belt, open the window shade, and make sure all electronic devices have been switched off. Thank you!
  现在飞机已经离开( ) 前往( ) 。
  旅途中我们为您提供 点心/正餐/小吃/热便食及各类饮料,同时还为您准备了书报杂志。(本架飞机设有听音装置,您可以用耳机欣赏不同的节目。)
  (本次航班荣幸地被民航华东管理局 命名为/确定为创建文明航班。)
  (本次航班荣幸地被上海航空公司 命名为/确定为创建文明航班。)
  Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We have just left () for ().
  During our trip, we shall provide the service of refreshments/meals/a snack/dinners/lunch/ with beverages. We have prepared newspapers, magazines for you.
  (This aircraft has audio system; you can use the earphone to choose what you like.)
  Our captain is a pilot with rich flying experiences. As a result, his perfect flying skills will assure you a safe journey. Meanwhile, our“Amiable Angel(s)”in the cabin. Who has/have rich working experiences, will take care of the special passengers.
  To ensure your safety during the flight, we advise you to fasten your seatbelt while seated. If you have any needs or requirements, please let us know.
  Wish you a pleasant journey! Thank you!
  Ladies and Gentlemen:
  Our “Frequent Flyer Program” is good for passengers who flying with Shanghai Airlines. And there is no expiry date for your accumulated mileages. If you want to join the program, you can get application form from our cabin crew. After finishing the form, you can return it to our cabin crew, or mail the form to our Frequent Flyer Center. If you have the member card, we will record mileages right now. Thank you!
  Ladies and gentlemen:
  To ensure you a good rest, now we will dim the cabin lights. If you would like to read, you may use the reading light. We advise you to keep your seat belt fastened, as a precaution against sudden turbulence. Your cooperation in keeping the cabin quiet will be appreciated. Please press the call button for service. (Since we will be arriving in the morning, you are suggested to close the window shade.) Thank you!
  本架飞机预计 到达 机场。地面温度为摄氏 度,华氏 度。 谢谢!
  Ladies and Gentlemen:
  Our flight is expected to arrive at Airport at AM/PM. The ground temperature is degrees centigrade or degrees Fahrenheit. (As we will be landing shortly, please have your headsets ready for our collection.) Thank you!
  我们已经抵达机场。(外面正在下 雨/雪,下机时请注意地面路滑。)飞机仍在滑行,请您不要离开座位,并保持移动电话置于关断状态。当安全带指示灯熄灭后,再解开安全带。打开行李架时,请注意安全,以免行李滑落。您的交运行李请到候机楼行李提取处领取。(需要转机的旅客请您到候机楼出发大厅办理手续。)
  感谢您选乘上海航空公司班机,下次旅途再见。 谢谢!
  Ladies and gentlemen:
  We have landed at airport. (It’s raining/snowing outside. Please watch your steps.) The plane is now still taxiing; please don not open your seat belt until the Fasten Seat Belt Sign goes off. Please do not turn on your mobile phone before you deplane. Take care when opening the overhead compartment. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the terminal. (Transit passengers please proceed to the departure hall in the terminal building to arrange for your connecting flight.)
  [Passengers continuing the flight with us, please take your flight ticket and boarding pass with you to obtain your transit-boarding pass in the terminal building later. Your hand baggage may be left in the compartment, but take valuables with you. Please pay attention to the announcement in the terminal.]
  (We apologize again for the delay.)
  Thanks for choosing Shanghai Airlines, and we are looking forward to serving you
  again. Thank you & Good-bye!
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